So today is my last day of work before the surgery tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital by 6:30 in the morning and the surgery is supposed to start at 8:00. I know I have done this once before, so I know what to expect, so I shouldn't be as nervous as I am...but I am freaking out!!! I have had so much stress with work and school and home and everything else that it has all just built up and I feel like I am going crazy! I have homeowrk that I have to do today and I can't concentrate on anythig right now. Last night it was the same thing. I was so jittery that I didn't cook dinner, I buzzed around the house and got stuff done. It took me all of about 10 minutes to do the dishes, which is normally about a 30 minute ordeal. I swept and mopped the floor, I cleaned up Corey's mandarine orange mess all over the table, floors, walls and chairs (little terd!). Corey got a bath and was ready for bed by 7:00. All of this would usually take me a couple of hours, but last night I was done in about 45 minutes. Just to give you an idea of how jittery and nervous I am. I feel like everyday I have to talk myself down or else I'll explode! I keep reminding myself that after tomorrow I will be off of work for a whole month, so that is one huge stressor that I don't need to worry about for at least a month. I am going to focus on getting better so that I don't have to have another surgery on this stupid knee. Sorry, I'm venting. I will keep everyone updated on the progress. Thanks for listening!